Praying the Psalms: Psalm 127

I worry a lot.  Sometimes, I worry about the fact that I worry a lot.

Does my worry mean that I don’t trust God? Maybe. See, while I wrote that, I worried that I didn’t trust God.

One thing I don’t worry about is my ability to sleep. I never used to, but somehow in my older age, whether it’s at home, or in a completely different environment, I can sleep more or less straightaway.

One version of Psalm 127:2 says that while we sleep, He provides for those he loves.

What a wonderful idea, that while we are asleep, God is at work in his heaven, restoring, healing, revealing. Beyond our human control he is engineering circumstances and providing for us because he loves us.  How beautiful that without me even knowing, God is doing his best work.

I don’t think this Psalm is an excuse for us to sleep all day.  It is however, a lovely reminder that while we can work and be diligent in the responsibilities that God puts in our hand, it is in fact the hand of the Lord that guides our life, and orchestrates the situations, conversations and relationships that are too coincidental to be coincidence.

While our senses are shut down, and we are at our most vulnerable, God is working.

So whether it’s our finances, our children, or I suppose the broader idea of the heritage and legacy that we are trying to leave on this earth, I’m so thankful to God that he is working, even though I may not physically see it.

(Vinny Tan, May 2014)