Praying the Psalms: Psalm 96

Psalm 96 can be broken down into four parts.  Exalt His name, Extend his Kingdom, Express his greatness and Expect his coming.

(v.1-2) Exalt His name: “Sing  to  the  Lord  a  new  song;  Sing  to  the  Lord  all  the  earth.  Sing to the Lord, Bless his Name!” Three times it says ‘sing’! Today I walked through the city mall with my family and about 400 others. We weren’t shopping. We were participating in a march to raise awareness of an issue close to our hearts. We held signs and palm fronds and sang ‘Go tell it on the mountain’ over and over again. It was so repetitive that my 5year old said to me “Mum does this song have an ending?” We are reminded to be a worshiping people.

(v.2-3) Extend his Kingdom: “Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea, Take the news of his glory to the lost, news of his wonders to one and all!” (MSG) As soon as we reached the middle of the mall, the group stopped and everyone started to kneel down on the concrete. There was a beautiful silence, not only by those participating in a time of prayer but onlookers too. Ironically, silence and stillness in that environment felt a little like “shouting to the lost”.

(vs 4-9) Express his greatness: There could be no other conclusion for onlookers. Kneeling on the pavement, heads bowed, we were clearly praying. We were praying to the God that made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before Him, strength and glory are in his sanctuary and He holds all authority! We are reminded to be a witness to His incredible greatness.

(vs 10-13) Expect his coming: We are called to be watchful. Not distracted by the noise of the city mall but aware of our waiting upon a Saviour who will return to bring restoration.  May the worshiping, witnessing and waiting for you be filled with His hope.

(Sera McCulloch – April 2014)