Praying the Psalms: Psalms 87

Psalm 87 is a short Psalm that at first glance, doesn’t jump out at you like one of David’s outpourings of love for God or his heart wrenching cries for mercy. And after an initial skim through, I thought, eeek, what have I let myself in for, agreeing to blog this one… It has sat with me for a while now, and as I type this, I’m relieved to say that I see it in a whole new light, and love it.

What really stood out for me, is something we all know but a fresh reminder of it can’t hurt! It’s the message of God’s reconciliation for all. God has extended his grace and mercy through Jesus Christ to all nations. So much so that those nations who were once despised enemies of God (Egypt, Babylon, Philistia, Tyre & Cush) will acknowledge Him and be declared redeemed, having righteousness before God.

When the Sons of Korah sang this song at the temple, I’d imagine that the Israelites had no idea of the prophetic nature of these words and what Zion would eventually look like!

How unreal would it have been for the Israelites to grasp that their former captors and oppressors would one day be friends of God, and more than friends, but his sons and daughters too, with equal rights to God’s salvation and inheritance?

In Jesus “this one and that one” (Jews and Gentiles alike) will be declared “born in Zion”, of the holy city, God’s dwelling place. Its a pretty amazing fact to grasp that we’ve all been given a new lineage and birthrights in God.

The Psalm ends with a simple response, in fact the only response an open heart can give to God, and that is making music, and worshipping Him for his amazing gift of grace.

The last line declares “all my fountains are in you” and this is a reminder to us of where our strength, our joy, our peace, and “everything for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3) comes from. It all comes from Him. He has given us this amazing, undeserved opportunity to be reconciled to him and the prestigious status of being born in Zion. And just to top it all off, by his sweet sweet grace, we are given everything we need for living out this life as His people. That’s something to be amazed by and rejoice over!

– Sarah Kent