Sermon Podcasts
Archives ›3 Oct 2021
Week 4: The Missing Years
Luke’s Gospel records an account of the 12-year old Jesus remaining in the temple after his parents head home from the Passover Feast in Jerusalem. He goes on to say that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
The very next verse sees Jesus meeting John the Baptist in the desert to be baptised, and there’s nothing in between.
This stretch of 18 years is often called the ‘missing’ or ‘hidden’ years but, as we’ll consider in this message, nothing is hidden from God. Much can be known of what Jesus was doing in these years from what is said, what isn’t said, and what was typical for a Jewish male from Northern Palestine in this era.
It also tells us something of our own periods of preparation and what can be learned from them.