Praying the Psalms: Psalm 144

“How blessed the people who have all this! How blessed the people who have God for God!”

Yes and Amen God!! This Psalm is a goody! After reading it through a few times, it was this final verse that made me think, yes…this is really the crux of it all. I am so blessed, not only by the fact that I have the creator of heaven and earth on my side, but that I serve a God like Him.

Today as I was driving in my car, I turned to Him in comfortable chatter, which although I know He loves, sometimes I feel/ think that I should apply the breaks (cleverly inserted driving pun there) and revere the One to whom I’m so casually speaking. I’m glad we have the Word and the Psalms in particular, as a reference point for coming to God, seeking him and drawing close to him.


And David knows just how to approach God – his heart laid bare, in honest prayer and thanksgiving. And he knows there is power in declaring who God is and the truth of His character – He is our protector, defender, shelter, victory and savior! But David also comes before God in reverence. We are indeed so frail, so weak and our time on earth is fleeting, the fact that God bothers with us at all is testament to his incredible mercy and love! And then comes the praise and petition, all wrapped up in those last two verses.

I don’t have any lightbulb revelation to share, other than to say that this Psalm gave me a fresh realisation – of His strength when I am weak and the incredible blessing and privilege it is to be a child of God.

– Sarah Kent