Praying the Psalms: Psalm 123

There is no one like our God.  It is He who helps in times of trouble.  It is He who restores in times of brokenness.  It is God who holds out His arms to us, and says, ‘Come on – I am with you, I am your defence, I am your protector.’

The Psalmist and singers of this Psalm were having a bit of a tough time.   They are described as being exceedingly filled with contempt and scorn by those who were at ease.   Do you have people like that in your life?  I’ve known a few over the time, they seem to have everything and yet they are not happy.  At least, they are not happy to let me be happy.  They make life difficult, just by their jibing, or their snide remarks, or their undercutting words and actions.  They might even appear all sweet on the outside, but for some reason, they are not happy to just let you be who you are.  They don’t understand how you are at rest and content with your life.  Especially considering you might not ‘do’ all of the right things.  You might not ‘say’ the right things.  You might not ‘think’ the right way. You just might not fit the bill (their bill).  Contempt can make a person feel worthless and disregarded.  Like you are not quite good enough.

Contempt is not of God.  When you find yourself in a place like that, God implores us to lift our eyes to Him.  This Psalmist came to God.  The singers lifted up their eyes to Him.  Just like Jesus did.  Just like Stephen did.  God saved them.  Sure, it might’ve been painful in the flesh (crucified on a cross, and stoned by the masses), but the glory of God shone all round them (Jesus was raised from the dead!).  God covered them.  He protected them.  He defended them.  They were relieved.  He reminded them of who they are, which is great worth to God.  You are of great worth to God.  So great in fact that God sent Jesus to die for you.  If you have contempt in your life, look to God to provide you relief.  Lift up your eyes to Him.

Those who sung this Psalm spoke as servants and maids looking to their master.  But we are children of God.  God has given us the right to be called His children, and because of that right, the love He lavishes on and the protection He gives us; are so much more immense than that one would feel toward a servant.  We are bound to His love. We are bound to His protection.  All we need to do is lift up our eyes to Him and thank Him for His mercy.  The mercy He has already poured out on us through His Son Jesus.  The mercy He poured out because He saw us to be of great worth. Lift up your eyes to Him.  Receive His mercy, receive His love and live in His freedom.  Live in freedom from the contempt of others, knowing you are a treasure to Him.